Because WE treat people

Where Women’s Voices Still Get Heard Less


Despite some gains, new research shows ongoing gender imbalances in hematology and oncology, as reflected in the predominantly male presenters at board review lecture series – where early career...

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DIY Blood Draw – Could Patients Collect Blood At Home?


Blood draws are essential, but this doesn’t make them anyone’s favourite pastime: they are time-consuming and involve needles. Is there a way to make it in a do-it-yourself (DIY)...

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Nursing, healthcare innovation and entrepreneurship – a massive opportunity

Nursing, healthcare innovation and entrepreneurship – a massive opportunity


Representing nearly half of the healthcare professionals space, nursing represents a huge opportunity in innovations, product development & healthcare entrepreneurship. Rebecca Love, RN, MSN, ANP is the founder of,...

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Asistență medicală, inovație medicală și antreprenoriat - o oportunitate masivă

Asistență medicală, inovație medicală și antreprenoriat – o oportunitate masivă


Reprezentând aproape jumătate din spațiul profesioniștilor din domeniul sănătății, asistența medicală reprezintă o oportunitate imensă în inovații, dezvoltare de produse & amp; antreprenoriat medical.

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