Because WE treat people

For better quality measurement, engage patients in their care

April 24, 2024

Ensuring clinicians have the necessary tools to empower patients as active participants in their healthcare is imperative. Despite decades of efforts to enhance healthcare quality measurement, the outcomes remain unsatisfactory. Clinicians are burdened by excessive reporting requirements, leading to burnout and a focus on meeting metrics rather than delivering optimal care. Patients, on the other hand, often fail to perceive significant improvements in their care experiences or health outcomes. Despite the increasing number of reporting measures, there is a glaring gap between these measures and tangible improvements in patient care.

Last year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) introduced the Universal Foundation of measures, aimed at simplifying quality reporting and promoting equity. However, more efforts are needed to address the underlying issues.

The prevailing assumption that incentivizing clinicians based on specific outcomes will automatically translate to improved patient health is flawed. Patient engagement is pivotal in medication adherence, monitoring health indicators, and addressing social determinants such as access to food, housing, and transportation—factors beyond clinicians’ direct control.

The current quality measurement framework largely overlooks the patient’s role, necessitating a paradigm shift. Clinicians must be equipped with tools to foster active patient engagement.

Why is this crucial? Engaged patients are indispensable for the effectiveness of healthcare systems focused on improving patient health. However, being an adept patient requires skills that not everyone possesses, necessitating support and guidance.

While certain conditions, like diabetes, demand immediate patient intervention, others, such as kidney disease and hypertension, progress silently over time, requiring proactive patient involvement. Additionally, patients facing health-related social needs encounter further challenges navigating the healthcare system.

The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) emerges as a promising solution. It evaluates patients’ knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing their health, enabling clinicians to tailor care plans accordingly. PAM has already been integrated into various quality programs, showcasing its efficacy in enhancing patient outcomes and reducing costs.

By categorizing patients into different activation levels, PAM enables personalized care plans, acknowledging that each patient requires unique support to fulfill their role effectively.

As clinicians comprehend patients’ capabilities, they can better support them in managing their health. Moreover, amidst the growing focus on equity, tools like PAM facilitate the identification of patients requiring additional assistance.

In aligning with the American Academy of Family Physicians’ recommendations for outcome-oriented, comprehensive, and patient-centered measures, PAM represents a significant step towards patient engagement, activation, and empowerment. Embracing PAM as a cornerstone of quality measurement endeavors can pave the way for improved healthcare outcomes in the years to come.

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