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5 Ways to Improve Word of Mouth Referrals

May 22, 2024

In the current era of healthcare consumerism, patients frequently turn to Google, social media, and physician-rating websites for healthcare information, taking a proactive role in managing their care options. Despite the rise of digital sources, word-of-mouth referrals remain crucial for patients discovering healthcare providers. A 2014 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed that over one-third of participants consider word-of-mouth referrals from physicians, friends, and family as very important in selecting healthcare providers.

For specialists offering elective treatments like Lasik eye surgery, Botox, or teeth whitening, relying solely on existing customers is not enough. A well-documented marketing strategy with clear goals and benchmarks is essential to enhance word-of-mouth referrals. Here are five strategies to achieve this.

  1. Create an Exceptional Patient Experience The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality defines the patient experience as the range of interactions patients have within a healthcare system, encompassing people and processes. While efficient appointment scheduling, minimal wait times, and excellent bedside manner are important, an exceptional overall experience is necessary to inspire patients to spread the word about you.

    Pay attention to every touch point along the patient journey, including your website, scheduling, visits, follow-up, aftercare, and billing. According to Physicians Weekly, 91 percent of patients fully satisfied with their billing process would recommend their physician.

    Ensure that your staff provides the same high level of care as you do. Train them to answer the phone politely, greet patients with a smile, return calls promptly, and show compassion in the exam room.

  2. Collect Patient Feedback Understanding if you are providing an exceptional experience requires direct feedback from patients. Implementing a patient feedback system helps identify areas for improvement, manage your online reputation, and boost engagement rates, making patients more likely to recommend you.

    Aim to gather feedback within 24 to 48 hours of the patient visit to address any issues promptly. If the experience was exceptional, uncovering the reasons behind it allows you to replicate those positive interactions.

  3. Network Both Online and In Person Data from Amino, a healthcare data company, showed that doctors specializing in internal medicine made over 63 million referrals in 2016. Establishing yourself as a trustworthy expert can make these referrals a vital part of your practice.

    Network with other physicians at healthcare conferences, local business meet-ups, and on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter. Regular one-on-one meetings with primary care physicians can also strengthen relationships and increase referral likelihood.

  4. Request and Acknowledge Referrals Patients often seek advice from their inner circle when choosing a specialist. The 2015 Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising report indicated that 83 percent of 30,000 people surveyed in 60 countries trust recommendations from friends and family more than advertisements.

    When patients express satisfaction with your care, ask them to refer your practice to others. Additionally, when onboarding new patients, inquire how they found you. If it was a referral, send a thank-you note to the source.

  5. Incentivize Patients While some patients naturally advocate for your practice, most need an incentive to do so. The American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics advises against offering financial or valuable incentives for referrals. However, patient loyalty programs are acceptable and effective.

    A 2016 JAMA study noted that loyalty program participants often provide positive referrals, encouraging others to use the service, thus expanding the customer base and revenue.

    These programs reward patient loyalty and enhance your practice’s opportunities for word-of-mouth referrals without compromising trust.

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