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Employee management in hospitals: The 10 most common mistakes and how to avoid them

Employee management in hospitals: The 10 most common mistakes and how to avoid them

June 24, 2024

Effective healthcare management is critical to the quality of patient care and employee well-being. Yet mistakes in staff management are all too common in hospitals and can have serious consequences. From inadequate communication to a lack of recognition of employee performance, there are a variety of challenges that healthcare leaders must address.

Common mistakes in employee management – ​​The top 10

Mistakes in leadership positions are, in principle, normal. Doctors are often not or insufficiently prepared for managing employees and tend to make frequent mistakes. That’s human. Differentiating which slip-ups are worth which is difficult or even impossible. Different situations in different teams with different dynamics can lead to different conflicts. In our top 10 most common mistakes, we raise awareness of the issue and provide solutions for better cooperation, more effective patient care and motivated employees.

1. Lack of communication

Lack of communication as a management mistake in hospitals can have serious consequences. When leaders don’t communicate clearly, important information can be lost or misinterpreted, leading to inefficient processes and potentially dangerous situations for patients. Additionally, employees may feel inadequately informed or supported, which affects their engagement and motivation.

Open and clear communication is crucial to leading an effective team and ensuring that all employees work towards the same goals and can successfully complete their tasks.

2. Unclear expectations

Hand in hand with communication goes the clear formulation of expectations. As a doctor and manager, you must always remember that subordinates have different or less experience, have a different focus and cannot fulfill expectations that they are not aware of. As a boss, you should also set priorities.

3. High pressure

Expecting employees too much is just as problematic as unclear expectations. (Unnecessarily) high pressure can reduce motivation in a team, cause employees too much stress and lead to a lack of focus in situations that actually require pressure and extra work.

4. Micromanagement

As a doctor, you should learn to delegate tasks right from the start of your career . If you focus on small details in a management position, you can quickly lose sight of the “big picture”.

5. Rigid ideas

Doctors in management positions can also make mistakes in terms of content. If your own ideas are too inflexible and you are not prepared to listen to advisory staff, this can have direct consequences for the department or the patients. As a boss, you should always keep your ideas flexible and adapt them to the expertise of your employees.

6. Lack of consequences

Doctors in leadership positions who make decisions should also enforce them. Consequences can be positive or negative and show employees the manager’s commitment and will to achieve goals.

7. Injustice

Injustice is one of the biggest mistakes you can make as a manager of a team, a ward or a clinic. If you are unfair, you give your employees no basis on which to improve their performance, you may confuse them about the direction the department should take and you generally lose motivation. This worsens the working atmosphere and undermines trust.

8. Lack of appreciation

Every employee in a team is always an independent person with their own wishes and goals. If these are not valued, it can lead to discontent and worsen the working atmosphere. If you don’t remember names, don’t say hello when you meet someone and don’t respond to employees’ private concerns, your status will deteriorate enormously and in the long term you will end up with dissatisfied employees and resignations.

9. No focus on continuing education and training

Investing in your employees means investing in your team and its development. While programs that lead to long-term promotions retain employees, a lack of focus on development can have the opposite effect. Training is extremely important in the healthcare sector. If it is neglected, employees feel like they are standing still and may look for better alternatives.

10. Lack of willingness to provide feedback

The lack of willingness to provide feedback on the part of managers has a major impact on the working environment. Feedback is essential for improving performance and strengthening the team. Not accepting feedback is also a sign of disrespect for your own employees – who sometimes know the area better than you do. 

The most important consequence: learning from mistakes

It is almost impossible to completely avoid mistakes in employee management. When mistakes happen, it is important to deal with them. If, as a doctor in a management position, you are prepared to admit your own mistakes, possibly have a discussion with the employees concerned and draw conclusions for yourself and future dealings, this can lead to improved cooperation, happier employees and improved achievability of goals in the long term.

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