Because WE treat people

Studying medicine in Denmark


The healthcare system in our neighboring country is considered state-of-the-art and studying medicine in Denmark provides an excellent quality of education. What's also particularly attractive is that there is...

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7 Famous Nurses Who Helped Shape the Profession


When considering the illustrious figures who have left an indelible mark on the nursing profession, a myriad of names comes to mind. Throughout history, numerous nurses have surmounted obstacles...

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Chatbot-like AI tool to locate brain damage after stroke


Artificial intelligence (AI) holds promise as a future aid for neurologists in pinpointing the location of strokes within the brain, suggests a recent study. This research, focusing on the...

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How do I become a station manager? 5 important FAQs


The position of ward manager in healthcare is a demanding and responsible role that requires extensive training, expertise and leadership skills. This article provides an overview of the steps and...

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